Saturday, July 10, 2010


I started this for fun, but life has a way of changing and getting in the way of doing some things.  I have a new job, back to working full time.  I can't find the time to keep this blog up.  With limited time I have to dedicate time to those more important things.  I am grateful for many things but most of these things are personal and sacred, things that I was not quite comfortable exposing on a public blog.  I most grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice that He made for all mankind so that we might choose eternal life.  I am grateful for my family they are the most important people to me.  Thank you for visiting my blog and your comments, but I am sorry to say I will not be continuing with posting on this blog.

Monday, June 21, 2010

#114 Words of Encouragement

I have not been posting a daily Gratitude for some time and
to be honest I haven't felt very grateful.
I have even thought of changing the blog title to
"Irritation 365 Times"

I have been feeling very angry and disappointed.
I cry often.
Everything seems to be falling apart and there is nothing I can do about it.
I am grateful for these words of encouragement and faith.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

#113 We Made It

Blue was scheduled to take the SAT test this morning in Logan at 7:45 a.m. Ok, so I carefully figured out when I needed to get us up, when to leave so that we had time to spare for looking for the building on the USU campus and any other problems that might arise, and our travel time.  When I have to meet an important deadline I have a tendency to mess up my thinking.  That is just what I did this morning. We were about to leave home at 6 a.m., and suddenly thought that we were too early. I had us go back into the house for 45 minutes. As were going to leave again, now 7:00 I realized I had screwed up.  It takes 45 minutes just to get to Logan let alone across town, onto campus, find the "tall" building on US 89.  We also found that the calculator needed batteries! I had a melt down and cried the whole drive over, there was no way we would make it in time.  I had to believe it would work out. BE BELIEVING! I flipped a U-turn across a four-lane hwy, pulled up along a red curb and told Blue to get out and head to "that tall building".  Blue walking, I rolled down the window and yelled, "RUN!" After getting to the building, following the signs, "SAT test upstairs", I saw Blue sitting at a desk. WOW! I looked at my puppy and said, "We made it". All I could do was try and it worked out.

Photo from here

#112 A Call From My Cousin

While hiking with Blue today, my cousin Pam calls me.  
I was so excited to hear from her.
I enjoyed talking with her, 
sharing our day with one another.
We think a lot alike, enjoy a lot of the same things and have similar goals.
It is very easy talking with her, I think we understand each other.
I would love to live close enough to her to go hiking together
and many other things.
Thanks for your call Pam.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

#111 A Feeling of Accomplishment

Logan Canyon is beautiful!
Had a great day with my two children hiking the Crimson Trail.
The high light was making it to the top, Wall of China!
We started on the steep side, we didn't think we could make it,
but we persevered and made it.  The rest of the hike was very enjoyable.
Great feeling after a good long hike, enjoying the outdoors,
talking and laughing on the trail, meeting people, pushing ourselves and 
the feeling of accomplishment.

We hiked up along the rock edge.

Monday, May 24, 2010

#110 "Will You Slow Down For Me?"

I had to yell at Blue to go out and mow the backyard before dark, so once I had him out there I didn't want him to have any reason not to finish the job. I knew that the last of the gas was in the mower and he would need more to get the job finished.  The grass, well actually weeds, have grown very tall and thick, so I knew he would need more gas.  I hopped into the car and blazed down the road to the gas station. On Bannock, a 35 mph zone, I was going 40 mph.  As soon as I saw the police car coming towards me in the on-coming lane I knew I was busted. He flipped on his RED, WHITE AND BLUES.  He made a U-turn over a double yellow line to pull up behind me.  I get so nervous when I am pulled over, and those lights are embarrassing.  Everyone driving by has to see who was busted. As soon as he walked up, practically behind me, I thought to myself, "This guy is new, I have never seen him before. He is young and handsome."  I never get pulled over and when I have I can't remember the last time I got a ticket.  I wasn't even sure what the registration or "proof of insurance" was when he asked for them, I had them spread out and asked, "Which one do you need?" My "proof of insurance" was not current and I thought he said my registration wasn't current either, but it is.  He did his check, told me to find my current papers and said, "It is a $60 ticket for no registration papers, I will give you a warning now, but you were going pretty fast, will you slow down for me?" Oh, I let out a big sigh of relief!  Thank you, Thank you. The officer is nice too.

Photo from here

Saturday, May 22, 2010

#109 Missing A Jogger

I was pulling out of a hotel the other day, onto a busy road near the Interstate entrance.  I looked both ways as I crept out and suddenly right there in front of me, was a......JOGGER!  He was looking at me as he ran out around the front end of my car giving me that look of, "Are you going to hit me?"  WHERE DID HE COME FROM?  I did not even see him.  That is the worst feeling, near misses.  It makes me so nervous driving.  I am very hasty and too quick to do things, so I am always screwing up.  I have got to be more careful.  I am so grateful I did not hit that jogger.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

#108 A Gentleman

With my arms full, I was struggling to get my hotel key out of my purse, so I could unlock the outside door to the hotel to get in, when a young man opened the door for me.  I thought that was so gentlemen of him.  I was very grateful to him for doing that.  Last night while coming into the hotel lobby with my luggage, bag, purse and sweater, trying to balance everything and open the door, a man in the lobby stood there and watched me.  It's so nice to see that there are a few men out there with manners.  Words that describe a gentlemen in the dictionary are; civilized, educated, polite, a man of good family, breeding and social position, sensitive, well-mannered. 

Photo from here

#107 A Compliment

While working in the Rexburg Wal-Mart a gray haired man asked me if Poligrip worked?  I had to catch myself, I hope I didn't look old enough for Poligrip.  After telling him I didn't know, he said, "You look familiar to me."  I asked where he was from, "St. Anthony".  He asked if I have been to the Mountain Man Rendezvous.  "No".  He was sure he had seen me from somewhere.  We chatted a bit about Malad and then before leaving he said, "I'll have to say you'r a might pretty brown eyed girl".  I said, "thank you" and he went on his way.  A moment later I heard him talking to another girl.

Photo from here

Friday, May 14, 2010

#106 Rawhide Chew Sticks

 I am so grateful for  Rawhide Chew Sticks.  This little puppy of ours, Zeus has to be doing something all of the time.  I have to take time each day to play with him, which means me running around the house chasing him while he tries to keep his squeaker toy from me or playing fetch with his toy.  He wears me out and then other times, most of time I just am too busy to bother with him.  He will chew on my laptop cord, very annoying. It sure is nice when I can throw a rawhide stick to him and he will chew on that thing for maybe an hour at a time.  He is so cute, I will hold it up for him to see and he comes running with excitement taking it from me in his tiny little mouth.

 Photo from here

#105 Food Storage

I am so grateful for our food storage.  I am trying to cut back on spending and using my food storage is so helpful.  We all know that it cost an arm and leg for groceries.  I love trying to create a dinner out of our stored food.  Tonight I made chili and corn bread.  The corn bread was fabulous.  I made it with butter and buttermilk. Talk about moist and delicious.  My chili was made with tomatoes I canned in 2008, my kidney beans and taco seasoning from the storage and the 1/4 beef I recently bought.  It is such a good feeling when I look over my meal and see that most of it is my home grown and canned goods or homemade.  And it's healthier for my family too.

#104 Pear Tree Blossoms

I am so grateful for the blossoms on my pear tree.  My apple, apricot and peach trees have no blossoms and I am really worried they are not alive.  I can see some green buds forming on their branches, but a lot of the branches have no sign of growth.  We might have to do some serious pruning or replant.  I hope we get at least one pear this year and I am eating it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

#103 Wide Open Spaces

I drove to Burley today.  The drive is full of wide open space with an occasional silo, barn or farm house.  It was a beautiful day.  The sky was blue with big billowy clouds or thunder clouds.  The sun was bright and warm, which felt so good after a week of cold, rainy weather. I love spring.  Everything is so fresh and new.  I love looking out over the fields, that seem to stretch forever, of new green sprouted crops and fresh plowed dark soil.  There is a peace driving through rural country.

#102 Rotisserie Chicken

I am wanting to eat better when I am on the road.  I am amazed how little "good" food there is to choose from in the store.  EVERYTHING is packaged for instant consumption or needing little preparation.  Everything is full of chemicals; hydrogenated oil, processed soy products, high fructose or artificial sweetener.  It freaks me out how much "food" has evolved.  There is little "real" food to eat.  I bought some bananas, strawberries, grapes, an apple and a bell pepper to snack on, but wanted something more.  I wanted a candy bar so bad, but I have to lay off the candy and sweets. The deli has plenty of deep fried and carbs. to choose from.  I settled for a rotisserie chicken.  I was so hungry. It was so good, while I dug into it while driving, yes driving. I can't do that anymore. I am not sure if it was a healthy choice, but it was the most real thing I could find. I ate half and took the other half home for dinner for Blue.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

#101 Sentiments of Love

 This Mothers Day was wonderful because of my five children.  Seth and Jessica sent me a wonderful mothers day package full of wonderful surprises and the funnest card that made me smile. Seth gave me a call, calls I always cherish. Wind gave me a call, he was very sick, but still  remembered his mother. Sundi came HOME! It was so nice to have her home and going to church with us.  My Blue washed all of the house windows, they were VERY DIRTY from a dust storm we recently had.  Thank you kids, I love you.

#100 Employment

There are so many people out there without work. My work takes me to 6 different Wal-Marts and I have been seeing more and more people standing at the entrance holding a card board sign, "No work" or "Please Help".  Today there was an gray haired, small elderly woman holding a sign. She was wearing light blue keds with pink socks. She had a scarf around her head tied under her chin and had an oxygen tube in her nose. It was cold and windy out.  I was parked right next to where she was standing and as I approached my car she began to tell me her problems with paying her bills.  I asked if anyone had stopped, "Oh, yes, they have".  Everyone is really struggling and it's difficult to see. We need to reach out to people right around us, our neighbors, who need our help.

Photo from here

Sunday, May 9, 2010

#99 My Mother

 Today I honor my mother.

 As a single mother she  raised two children, while making a meager wage at various jobs. My mother is not a quitter. She never had much as far as a home, cars, furnishings, clothing, travel, she had enough to take care of our basic needs.  I rarely heard her complain.  If she did, it was very short lived and to the point. She was done and moved on to brighter thoughts. She is not one to revel in judgment of others.  She does not enjoy sitting around thinking negatively of life's circumstances.  She is charitable and kind of all people.  She is not complicated, she is simple in her wants and pure in her thoughts. She enjoys the simple things; sunshine, children, flowers, laughter, burbling of fish in the tank, jabbering of little colorful finches, rocks, the beauty of nature, the company of joyful people.  She enjoys all people no matter who, what or where they came from as long as they are not too sour. 

I remember my mother loved to have fun with us. She didn't care about what "you are suppose to do". as a mother raising children.  I remember going for walks on the beach and before we were done all three of us were jumping and swimming in the ocean waves with all of our cloths on.  I remember her letting me drive the car, while she slept in the back seat, in an unfinished suburb where there were only the roads.  I remember going to the drive-in in our pj, with pillows, blankets and goodies to eat. I remember it was always the three of us, we had each other. We fought, played and worked together.

I love my mother and am so grateful for all the sacrifices that she has made for my brother and I. She gave us her all. She would not give up and I am sure there were moments she wish she could or would love to, but she didn't and she wouldn't. I am proud of her. She might have thought she was doing it alone, but I know that she had a Father who watched over her, protecting and guiding her.  She was inspired and followed the promptings of the Spirit that lead her to give us the greatest of all things, the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that I am forever grateful to her for that blessing in my life.

I love you mother!
You are Wonderful.
Happy Mothers Day

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

#98 Women of Faith

I am so grateful for women of faith in my life.  I am grateful for their example, service, love and strength. I loved being in the Marriott Center surrounded by 15,000 women of faith, women who were there with a desire to perfect themselves through service and learning. Women trying to be better women, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and servants of the Lord.

#97 Women's Conference

 "Choose Ye This Day To Serve The Lord"

I attended my second year of Women's Conference at Brigham Young University this past weekend. This year 6 women from my ward and I stayed in the Comfort Inn in Orem, Utah.  We had a great time! We each chose our classes to attend, sharing notes with one another later. Debbie and I indulged ourselves in a waffle cone filled with Mint Chocolate Chip and Graham Canyon from the BYU Creamery. Oh it was good! My mother met us for dinner at Carrabba's our first night.  After dinner we attended a wonderful concert at the Marriott Center where Micheal McCLean Alex Boye, the Fabulous Five, Mercy River and Hilary Weeks performed. There was service opportunity everywhere with Service Learning Rooms and Make 'n' Take and Returns. The best part is getting to know each other better, who snores, who wiggles in their sleep, who likes to go to sleep early and who goes to bed late even if it means reading in the bathroom so as not to keep anyone awake. At the closing of the conference Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Sister Oaks spoke to us. It was the most amazing feeling singing hymns with 15,000 women.

#96 Brushed Hair

 (a picture from 2 years ago)

Whenever my daughter comes home I hesitantly ask if she would brush my hair.  I know that she would rather not, but she knows how much I enjoy it and she is kind enough to indulge me in a little pleasure of mine.  When the children were little I would ask each one if they would brush my hair till I had a willing person.  Sometimes I had to do a little begging and pleading and sometimes that didn't work.  It's such a disappointment when they quit, but I am grateful anytime she is willing to brush my hair. Thank you Sundi.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

#95 Power

Our Home Teachers were over visiting with Blue, Troy and I when the weather outside was really working up a fit. We almost wondered if we would have a tornado. The house was whistling, we heard a crash outside and then the lights kicked off, then on, then off again. The surge was strong enough to turn the computer on and then off again. There we all sat in the dusk of the evening. The Home Teachers finished their visit and went on their way. The power was off long enough, couple of hours, to bring the emergency candles out.  I missed "Lost", dang it.  I couldn't finish my laundry, get on the computer or watch TV.  When the power goes out you always hope it isn't for long, at least not long enough to make life too uncomfortable, just long enough to make the evening a little exciting with the candles out and burning.  It makes me uncomfortable how dependent we are on power. I had some 60 hr emergency candles but that was it. I don't think we would last long with no power.

Photo from here

#94 Kindness

I worked in the Blackfoot Wal-Mart today. I was so tired driving there, could hardly stay awake. I always park on the far outskirts of the parking lot, so there is less chance of people hitting the side of my car with their car doors. I loaded everything up into my arms; computer, purse, keys, lunch and phone. I popped the trunk open so I could get the rest of my things I needed inside the store. After working for a couple of hours I heard announced over the intercom, "Wal-Mart customers, a gray Nissan with the license plate #......... in the parking lot, has a door open."  I don't pay much attention to the announces made, but heard this one load and clear. I have a gray Nissan and my license plate starts with those numbers. Humm, did I leave my door open? Now thinking about it, I don't remember closing the door and my arms were pretty full. I hustled over to the door greeter, asked if I could leave my things with her and ran to see if that was "my gray Nissan."  IT WAS! I was so grateful for whoever that was that had that announced AND that my car was not vandalized, stolen or whatever else could have happened because my door was left open.  The wind was blowing hard today and could have ruined my door. Thank you to whoever cared enough to have that announced and that I heard it.

Photo from here

Monday, April 26, 2010

#93 A Visit From Sundi

Sundi finally made it home for a visit. She rarely comes home because, "I don't have any gas money."  
After arriving she says, "That hardly took any gas and it isn't that far."  It is only 45 min. drive!  It was nice to have her home for the weekend. We didn't do a lot, just did a lot of relaxing. She works full time.  We walked the puppy, watched movies (not very good ones), fixed dinner, looked at Facebook, went to a baptism and visited. I love it when the kids come home. 
Thanks Sundi for coming home, can't wait for the next visit.

Friday, April 23, 2010

#92 Honesty

I am so grateful for honesty, when it is found. 
I ran into Wal-Mart to purchase some items with a "free" coupon and didn't realize I would have to pay tax, $0.60! I had no change or a check. While I was getting my credit card out, (ya, my credit card!) and thinking I really didn't want to do this, the women behind me was digging out 60 cents out of her wallet. To thank her for doing that for me I gave her one of my coupons (she was pretty happy about that), and then ran out of the store and on to the next store. Let me back up here little. Clients with Acosta (who I work for) will give coupons to us to purchase items that have a "zero sales". I was using some of those coupons. So, when I got to the next Wal-Mart and was at the check stand it was then when I noticed my credit card gone (I had a few more things to purchase this time), PANIC! I was pretty sure I left it at the check stand at the previous store. All I could hope was that who ever found it would be honest enough to turn it in. Before leaving the second store however, I left my check book. That checker yelled for me, while holding my check book up for me to see. I am starting to freak out now.
I arrived at the first Wal-Mart and the checker that was there was GONE. I asked some associates standing at customer service, "Do you know where the girl is that was working at the first register was, she has short brown hair pulled back on the top and about this tall?".  The guy says, "About this tall?' (holding his hand up) "Yes". The other girl says, "Is she about so tall?" (holding her hand a little higher than the guy did)  I chuckle, thinking who really cares exactly how tall she is, WHERE IS SHE? I then told them why I was there and the guy knew a credit card had been turned in. "What kind and what color is the card?" the guy asked. He left for a moment and brought it out to me. YEAH! I was so grateful.

Photo from here

Monday, April 19, 2010

#91 Missionaries For Dinner

Brother Don Buehler, in our ward, asked if we could feed the missionaries, "Of course."  We had Elder Huges, from Texas and Elder Penha, from Brazil come for dinner Sunday evening. Elder Huges was quiet and reserved. He has only been out on his mission for 7 months. Elder Penha was very talkative and out-going. He goes home in 2 weeks. He had all of us laughing often. He talked about being John Deared, whether he will marry an American or Brazilian women, what his plans are when he gets home (he thinks he won't know what to do with all of his free time), he asked a lot about the construction of our home, the children's names and of course, "Brother, can I ask.... (we always know what comes next, as they mimic stroking an imagined beard down their chest) how long did it take for you to grow your bread?"  He asked for more salad, 3 glasses of milk and was thrilled that I had sea salt on the table. Very charming young men with a wonderful spirit about them. 

After dinner they asked to share a message with us, "Likening the scriptures to ourselves and that we can find all answers there."  They then asked if there was anyone that we felt would like to meet with them to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Blue told them of a friend, Buddy Southwick, and agreed to invite him to our home to meet with the missionaries. We enjoyed their testimonies and praying for a blessing upon our home and family.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

#90 A Priesthood Choir

At Ward Conference the Bishop asked all Priesthood holders ages 12 on up, to come up to the stand to sing,
"Called to Serve"

Called to serve Him, heavenly King of glory, 
Chosen e'er to witness for his name,
Far and wide we tell the Father's story,
Far and wide his love proclaim.

Called to know the richness of his blessing
Sons and daughters, children of a King
Glad of heart, his holy name confessing,
Praises unto him we bring.

Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
Forward, pressing forward, as a triumph song we sing.
God our strength will be; press forward ever, 
Call to serve our King.


Photo from here

#89 CLR

I hate hard water!
Hard water build up looks horrible giving everything a dull look and making my sinks spotty.
What would I do without CLR?
I spray it around my faucets, tub, sink and shower, making everything shine.
It eats hard water spots right off.
Thank goodness for CLR.

#88 A Lesson on Prayer

In Relief Society the lesson was on Prayer. I am grateful for that lesson. 
It's a commandment to prayer to the Father, a form of communication with our Father.
Our actions, thoughts and words are influenced by our prayers.
We should pray about every part of our lives; families, jobs, friends, pets and protection from our enemies.
We can pray anywhere at anytime, our Father is listening.

I have been avoiding my prayers because of discouragement, disappointment and anger. I know I need to pray for the things I need, but I don't know what that is right now. Listening to the sisters share their experiences and testimony of prayer strengthened me. I know these things, but needed reminding. I know that it is during these times it is most important to pray.

Photo from here

Saturday, April 17, 2010

#87 The Outdoors

I went out to check on a chicken I had separated from the others because of the rooster pecking at her and keeping her from eating and drinking. I then watched Troy pitch hay to the horses. I put Zeus up on the hay stack to keep him from running into the horse pins. A little later while waiting for Zeus to do his business I jumped 200 times on the trampoline. I was looking out and around our place, the sun shinning with a slight breeze and smelling the freshness of the air, thinking how much I have missed all of this during the winter months. It felt so good to be out, enjoying the simplicity and peace of the outdoors.

Friday, April 16, 2010

#86 Song of A Bird in the Morning

I slept in this morning and woke up to the Robins singing.
The song of birds is magical, like Cinderella.

It took me back to when our family lived in Provo, Utah
on N 100 E in a two story yellow house.
That was a magical time, with the Knells, Gleaves and Mima as our neighbors. The street was lined with trees that were tall, providing a ceiling of leaves and branches over our yards. The constant burbling sound of the irrigation water, that our children played in, ran down the street ditch all summer long.
Cherished memories.

Photo from here

Thursday, April 15, 2010

#85 Seat Warmers

The days are warming up and I am starting to dress lighter.
However, mornings are still chilly, enough to put frost on the car window.
This morning I left for work at 8 a.m. and I was freezing.
I love cranking up the heat and flicking the "on" switch to my seat warmer.
Awwww! That feels so good.
Now I just need a "steering wheel" warmer.

Photo from here

Sunday, April 11, 2010

#85 Zeus

 Zeus just had a bath and is trying to get warm in Troy's down coat.

My niece, Christy's boyfriend gave her the tiniest little puppy three months ago, Zeus. He is a Shih Tsu.  She can't keep him so she is letting me have him. I have been wanting a dog for sometime, a little lap dog. I have had 2 Dachshunds and really like the breed and was thinking of getting another.  Zeus has the cutest personality that you can't help but fall in love with the little guy. He isn't quiet what I had in imagined having for a lap dog, but he will do. He loves chasing his squeaker toy, shredding paper, chasing the cats, barking for food, doggy treats, dog poop and dancing with little girls who wear squeaker shoes. He brings us  lot of joy.

Thank you Christy for this little happy guy.

#84 Sheila

Wind has been living in the basement apartment of Sheila and Dale's for a couple of years now. 
Sheila and Dale are his landlords.  
They lost a boy in an accident a couple of years ago that was about Wind's age.
It has been a very painful journey for Sheila and I believe having Wind around has helped.
Sheila cuts Wind's hair in her salon upstairs,
they have invited him to dinner, brought him homemade bread, hot soup, 
homemade cinnamon rolls, crutches when he crashed into a tree snowmobiling and 
so much more, even one months rent free for Christmas.
Sheila is always thinking of Wind. 
It is always a good feeling when people like your children and care about them.
The last time I was up visiting she came down in her PJ and robe, asking if I would like to meet Dale.
I wasn't dressed myself, but she didn't mind, just wanted me to meet him before he had left.
I met Dale, he was still in his PJ's to.
I was smiling to myself seeing all of us visiting in our PJ's.
It is a good feeling when people love your children.
Thank you Sheila for all you do for my son, Wind.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

#84 Chickens

I enjoy going out to the chicken coop collecting the eggs, those Little Betty's lay for me each day.
I enjoy hearing them cackle and squawk each morning,
specially after they lay an egg, announcing they have dropped another egg.
I enjoy watching them peck and scratch at the ground.
I enjoy eating their eggs.
I enjoy giving eggs to friends and family.
I enjoy having four or five dozen cartons of eggs in the frig.

#83 Women That Look Like Women, Men That Look Like Men

There are a lot of different looking people out there
in many shapes and sizes.
However, what really bothers me is when looking at someone
I cannot determine weather they are a man or women.
I find this very disturbing and scary.
I think it is very sad that we will have grandchildren growing up 
in a world where they will not be able to tell if someone is a man or women.

Photo from here

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

#82 My Sister-In-Law


Misty is more like a sister I never had. Our birthdays are only 4 days apart in April. She is very giving and generous. She would give you anything that she had if she felt you needed it. Misty loves to find ways to solve people's problems, she will spend hours, days trying to figure out how she can help your situation.  We have had some great moments together and with our children. Once the two of us went to a movie after it had started. As we were trying to get past some, not so small, people we accidentally knocked over their drink. While swinging around to apologize I stuck my hand in their cheesy nacho chips, they didn't notice. Misty insisted on buying them another drink, but they just wanted us to move on. While she was walking back to the seats, watching the movie she began drinking the pop, forgetting she had bought it for them. She still handed them the pop and told me she had drank some. We started laughing so hard. We call it our Sienfeld moment.  
Thanks Misty for being a good friend, sister to me and for good times. I love you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

#81 Forty-Seven

Today is my birthday!

For some time I have been telling everyone this was my 48th birthday.
Yuck! Two years and I am 50!
That just sounds awful.
But this morning I was calculating my age, in my head,
and discovered I wasn't turning 48 but 47.
Oh my gosh! I was so excited.
I have 3 years, not 2 before I am officially old.
I am a year younger.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

#80 General Conference

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-Day Saints we have General Conference in April and October. Conference is broadcast over television, radio and satellite. My daughter had the opportunity of attending conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in the Conference Center. This building is amazing, seating 21,000 people. She said that it brought tears to her eyes as they sang, "I Know My Redeemer Lives", can you imagine 21,000 people singing their testimony of the Living Christ?  How powerful! During conference we are able to listen to a living Prophet of God and Apostles who are spokes persons for God here upon the earth. The most spoken message that was given was on the importance of teaching our children about God and helping them gain testimonies of Christ. It was powerful to hear each speaker testify of Christ and that He lives. The spirit that is felt through their messages of love and direction is a wonderful feeling, motivating me to want to do and be better. I have a renewed spirit.

Watch Conference here
Photo from here

Friday, April 2, 2010

#79 Exercise

I love the feeling after exercising. I haven't been able to exercise for almost two weeks and I can feel it. I get really grouchy when I can't exercise regularly. I love the Firm workout DVD's because they use cardio and weights together. I have tried a lot of tapes and I like these the best. There are a lot of worthless DVD's out there that give the least amount of workout for the money you spend. I prefer more weight workout than cardio, my core feels strong and that feels great. I feel so much better about myself when I can exercise and feel better in my cloths. I have to workout first thing in the morning before I eat. I do like walking in the evenings though, it helps take that bloated feeling away from eating all day.  I did my Firm tape this morning and I feel more positive. I get more done when I have started my day that way. The more I exercise the more I want to exercise.

Photo from here

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#78 Not Panicing

I spent some time in Driggs with the kids this past week helping Seth & Jessica move into their first home.  Friday, Wind got a call from Teton Taxi to deliver luggage from Jackson Hole Airport. He has been doing this during the winter months. I asked if I could come along and see what he does. A snow storm had come in that day and so the pass was icy with poor visibility. We were driving over during rush hour, lots of traffic going west. We were going East.Wind said that often cars will not be able to maintain their traction going up the incline, causing traffic pile ups. Wind was driving slow and steady when we came upon a car horizontally across both lanes, preparing to turn around to head back down the pass, under the direction of an officer. The car is backing up almost blocking our entire lane. Wind taps his brakes and begins sliding. Wind honks, making the car aware of him and that he has lost the ability to stop. The car stopped, but only leaving a narrow space between the the back end of the car and guard rail to pass through. There is snow built up along the guard rail and on the other side a drop off.  I was gripping the strap of my seat belt, as I prepared for impact with the car. When he missed the car, the snow pulled him toward the rail however, Wind maneuvered his truck smoothly between the car and guard rail, missing both. The officer was ignorant enough to tell Wind, "Why don't you slow down". Wind couldn't have gone any slower. That officer should have prepared traffic up the road to slow down and stop while he had this car turn around, blocking both lanes.  I was so grateful for Wind's calm, confident driving skills. On the way back that evening the pass was worse. I starting panicking until Wind said, "Would you stop it and let me concentrate on driving ". I shut right up and didn't say a peep till we were off the mountain.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

#77 Breaks

My daughter, Sundi has been at her new job for 2 weeks now.  She is enjoying learning something new and having a physical job vs. desk job. However, those first 2 weeks she sure complained about her new aches a pains, my feet, back, wrist, head...   I would love to see her dressed in her white cloths, steel toe shoes and hard hat!  The best part of this new job for me is the breaks she gets twice a day.  During these breaks she calls ME.  I love it. I get to chat with her for 10-15 min, sometimes twice a day. 

Thank you Sundi for sharing your break with me.

#76 Going to Work With My Son

I had the opportunity of going with Wind, my son, on his part-time winter job.  He delivers lost luggage to the owners. I enjoyed watching Wind organize the pieces of luggage according to where they were to be delivered. I was impressed with his phone skills as he would call each customer to let them know that he had their luggage and was on his way to deliver it after getting directions. I sat in the truck secretly watching as he communicated with the customers, watching as they laughed and smiled with Wind. Wind puts people right at ease. 
While my children were growing up I went to everything they did. I enjoyed watching and being involved. Since they have moved away from home, I miss that. Every activity they do, every job they do, I wish I was there to watch them and be involved. 

Thank you Wind for letting me come along.

Monday, March 29, 2010

#75 Children Growing Up

This past month I have seen my children, that have left home, begin to mature and show signs of growing up.  It is rewarding and very pleasing to see them make decisions that show they are inching their way towards adulthood. It isn't an easy step, moving out of mom and dad's home and care. The first year was challenging and full of trial and error. I know that at times it seems overwhelming and daunting to be on their own, providing for themselves, and making some very big, important decisions,  but they manage to continue to overcome and move forward.  I have watched our children change jobs or take on second jobs to meet their financial responsibilities, purchase a home, help one another, turn to the Lord and the principles of truth they were taught.

Monday, March 22, 2010

#74 Puppy Kennels

I am carrying for my niece's two Poodle/Shih Tzu mix puppies for a couple of months. The female, Zoe is almost a year and the male, Zeus is about 6 mths old. I thought I was just bring Zoe home when I offered, but when I found out Zeus had nowhere to go I hesitantly volunteered to take him as well.  I had never cared for two dogs at once. They are so full of energy and they make me nervous. I am so grateful that they are Kennel Trained. After taking them out to go potty and letting them run around a bit I just pop them in their kennel. and they settle right down. It keeps them contained and quiet. They are really good about being in there.  I do that several times a day.  They sure are cute and love exploring the outdoors. I brought them home because I have been craving a little dog, but I think I am cured and it's only been two days, that was fast.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

#73 Buyer's Remorse

I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but I am completely AWOL with shopping. I know my husband is going to read this and my secret will be out. I don't usually let him know what I have been buying, mostly because I feel guilty.  Husbands never understand why their wives need to shop for so much "stuff". I did a little shopping a week ago, that wasn't so bad, I could live with it.  However, I was in Logan, Utah visiting my daughter today, she wasn't feeling well and very tired , said she was going to take a bath and nap. "Ok, I am going to get some puppy food and will be back to pick up the puppies". Sorry, Sweatheart, another secret, I brought the puppies home to watch till August. I told you I wanted a dog, so now I have two! Back to my "AWOL shopping". Hours later Sundi texts me, "Where are you? Did you forget the puppies?"  She finally called, found out I was shopping, "If I had know you were going shopping I would have come".  (She took Sudafed and felt much better) I am feeling selfish and buy her something. By now I am feeling sick with anxiety, not enjoying myself anymore. 

I am home now, going through all of the things I bought and that feeling of, "I want that or I have to have that" was gone. I began thinking of all the money I could put BACK in my pocket if I returned things. I bagged things up, gathered up receipts and have it all ready for my next trip out of town. I am feeling better already. 
I am grateful for Buyer's Remorse.

Photo from her

Saturday, March 20, 2010

#72 Forgiviness

“I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men” 

 It feels wonderful knowing someone has forgiven me, 
but what is better is when I have done the forgiving. 
Forgiving someone brings such peace, joy and an increase of love.
It is such a burden to be angry and unforgiving of others.
We all need love and to love and
it isn't our place to judge.
I am the first to admit that it is very easy to judge
and be critical of others.
Something that I have to work harder at, not judging others.

Matthew 6:14, 15
 For if ye aforgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 
But if ye aforgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

#71 Balance

I am not sure if I am grateful for "balance" or "imbalance".  I t is because of imbalance that prompts me to put order back into my life. Having balance in my life is important, I don't function very well without it. I have to be careful however, what may seem as balance can turn into habit, systematic, routine.....boredom!  At that point I need to self-evaluate my life and apply change where necessary.  Life is in a constant state of change.  This is a healthy process; balance, change, imbalance, evaluation, improvement, balance.  This cycle makes us a better person, builds character and helps us to become like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
3 Nephi 12:48 
Therefore I would that ye should be aperfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.

Photo from here